Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Boots with the fur!

I don't like sneakers. I don't own a pair at all. When I "work out" I do it in old riding shoes that are worn half through. I certainly never paid $400 for a pair of sneakers that I have no intention of running in.

Meet the mayor of douche-ville

I found a video this week whilst I was stumbling through the vast depths of youtube and admittedly it's a huge wank. It's actually a massive wank. It's a wank so gigantic that when this dude shouts "skeet skeet mufukka" it rains on the other side of the country. But colossal wank aside it's pretty interesting. This guy sits in his basement and talks about owning shoes that would get you a house deposit almost like it's nothing. I actually didn't even know that there were shoes worth this much money. It's pretty mind bending but not in a pleasant "my sisters are the trees" way. It's more of a "we're really overdue for that rapture" sensation. The fact that there are people strutting around in Nike's here in Australia when they go to get a coffee used to spin me out, now I find out those shoes might be worth a couple of g's!? I don't get paid enough guys.

Future Nike's that don't lace themselves up and a hover board that doesn't hover.

In all seriousness it's an interesting argument; people buy these shoes as a wearable piece of art in a sense (as old mate in the vidya points out). But on the other hand they're paying crazy amounts of money for the thing that goes between you and all the filth of the world. Where you draw the line between reasonable and unreasonable is completely up to you but for me, my $100 pair of Etnies are comfy to ride in, look stylish enough to get me into whatever beer soaked local I'm headed for and if they last a year I'll be stoked.

Call me out if you think I'm wrong and sneaker style is the future or something but in the meantime enjoy the coming weekend my dudes!

(For those who are truly set on demolishing their opinion of humanity you can check the video and attached article HERE)

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