Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Sup fellaass!
Been on a tofu binge hiatus for a lil bit, but I'm BACK!
And I'm here with a little bit of salt to share with you all. I am salty about the salt in bmx. I just watched a stupid youtube video where kids submit questions to an industry fella. We've all seen this shit and it pretty much all goes the same way: why is bmx shit, why are kids shit, why is bmx different today than it was last week (cue nostalgic bs). Seriously, it's not bmx that is shit, it's the attitude of internet bmx-ers! It's okay though cos uncle fukin Brento is here with a solution... just go ride your bike.
There's nothing better for me than how I feel when I'm riding my bike, it's just straight up awesome fun with mates. Isn't that what bmx is about? Fuck sitting on the internet watching video's, bmx is something that you DO so go outside and do it. It's pretty easy to re-connect with why you love this shit so much the second you're on your bike just having fun. Next time you see some lame shit on the internet, just remember, you're into bmx because you like riding your bike, not because you like watching video's. And to all the dudes who think that criminal mischief was the best bmx DVD ever and nothing new measures up, go make some wild shit of your own and chuck it on a disc (Vocko's crispy deeveedee's would be a pretty fuckin spot on example of how to make a badass vidyah). BMX needs more rad shit and less salt. Spend less time on youtube and more time on your bike!  

I'll finish up with a video from a dude who, from what I can tell, gives no fucks about trends.
Grant Castelluzzo is wild. He does all the tech-wizardy, jibby stunts that kids these days (myself included) are into and he does them with both a cassette hub and the same bowlcut my mum had me rocking when I was 5. Radical!

Here's some suss music to suss.


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